Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bradstreet and Kafka

Bradstreet: This was a hard poem for me to read so i googled it and read what others had to say about to fully understand the poem.
Bradstreet felt embarrassed because it got published without her consent before she could edit them. Bradstreet speaks of her poems as her children because for one she had many childred that she raised and she had many poems that she wrote. So maybe while writing her poems she felt she put a lot of thought and effort into these poems as she did with her children.

Kafka: I thought it was weird at first but after i read it over and figured out what was going on i thought it was a pretty good story.
The hunger artist was popular because it was a joke that happened to be in fashion. It soon became less interesting to the public because they grew tired of watching the hunger artist day and night and could not fully know whether he was really fasting the whole time. The watchers play the role of the public who would watch the hunger artist for entertainment; the impresario was his boss who would manage his appearences to the public when fasting; the overseer is a man who is helped out by the notice board. These roles helped make his job worth meaning, without them there isn't a hunger artist.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I appreciate your honesty about googling the poem. But if you come across a reading that strikes you as difficult, it may be a better plan to take it line by line, looking up words about which you are uncertain and then forming your own conclusions.
