Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Death of a Salesman by

The central conflict in the story is Willy having these daydreams. He doesn't realize that these daydream senarios are not real. The film presents the mise en scene at Willy Loman's house and yard and in other places around New York and Boston.
Willy -Dad, salesman, 60 years old, daydreams,talks to himself, his work took his salary.
Linda -Mom, admires Willy, worry-some.
Biff -Football player, son of Willy and Linda, Willy gets worse when Biff comes home, He thinks his dad is crazy, they fight.
Happy - son of willy and Linda, brother to Biff, "bum".
Bernard - Boy's friend from school, Smart business kid, concerned for Biff failing math, Willy's his uncle.
The women - willys secrete mistress, witnessed Willy purposely crash into the bridge.
Charley -Play card game in kitchen with willy, Starts fighting with Willy cause he thinks Ben is talking to him.
Ben - willy's brother, died, he goes to Africa.
I thought the film version of the characters were what I thought of when I read the book, except for what Biff looked like and acted. In the movie he seemed controlling and kind of snobby, I didn't get that feeling from him when I read the book though.

1 comment:

  1. Since the play was long and we spent two days watching the film, I would expect your reading journal to be more substantive. Say more about the significance of the daydreams and the mise-en-scene. You make a couple of good observations, but you need to follow through and point out how you came to those conclusions based on elements of the play and film.

    What about the essay?
