Friday, January 23, 2009

The Law of Life

I read this story by Jack London and it was very difficult to follow or know what was going on. There was a lot of words that I didn't know. As well as how the characters talked, confused me. But after I kinda understood what was going on I thought it was a pretty good story in the end. It was a reality check of what life has for you. Your going to be born, live your life and eventually your going to get old and die just as everyone will or have done.

Words to look up:

forlorn: desolate or dreary; unhappy or miserable, as in feeling, condition, or appearance.
palsied: paralyzed; unable to move or control certain muscles.
chiding: to express disapproval of; scold; reproach.
crooning: To hum or sing softly.
guttural: harsh; throaty

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


January 14th, 2009

I read the poem When, in Disgrace with Fortune and Men's Eyes

What I got out of it was; this man is feeling down and he wants some of the talet these other men have but then he thinks about someone and his mood changes and he's happy again.

There were alot of words i didn't know and had to look up to even try to understand this poem. I have a really hard time trying to make sense of a poem especially Shakespeare.
I'm not going to put every word I had to look up but I'll put a few.

  • Bootless-without result, gain, or advantage; unavailing; useless.
  • Sullen-showing irritation or ill humor by a gloomy silence or reserve.
  • Haply-perhaps; by chance.
  • Scorn-to reject, refuse, or ignore with contempt or disdain.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Alice Walker Everyday Use

January 12th, 2009

We were to read the Active Reading of Literature and Alice Walker's Everyday Use.
The Walker story really confused me a bit and I notice I had to keep going back and reading things over because i didn't understand.
Overall I thought it was a good story. It was short so I liked it even better.
It was about a mother who is hard-working and takes pride in the things she has, which are hand made. She has two daughters, one who went off to college and the other who stays at home with the mother. It was about how they felt about heritage and what it meant to each of them. For Dee ( the daughter who went to college) needed items that the family made to hang up or decorate her house. Where the mother is just living her life how she always had and using the items her family made as tools and not as art work.

Words to look up:

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

January 7th, 2009
(First day of Class)

Today we just went over the syllabus a little. Then we opened the book to Robert Frost and read his poem The Road Not Taken. I didn't have a book because i was on the waiting list, so I had to just listen and it was hard to understand. So When I got the book I re-read the poem to try and figure out what it ment. I always have a hard time to try and understand what some readings are trying to say. In class we went over it and tried to make more sense of it. That helped me understand what it was about, when i hear other peoples thoughts about what they got from it.

Words to look up:

1. had 'trodden' black.
trodded-that has been steped on

This poem is about choice and how everyone makes their own decisions everyday.