Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

January 7th, 2009
(First day of Class)

Today we just went over the syllabus a little. Then we opened the book to Robert Frost and read his poem The Road Not Taken. I didn't have a book because i was on the waiting list, so I had to just listen and it was hard to understand. So When I got the book I re-read the poem to try and figure out what it ment. I always have a hard time to try and understand what some readings are trying to say. In class we went over it and tried to make more sense of it. That helped me understand what it was about, when i hear other peoples thoughts about what they got from it.

Words to look up:

1. had 'trodden' black.
trodded-that has been steped on

This poem is about choice and how everyone makes their own decisions everyday.

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